Emma passes her qualifying exam
Congrats Emma on an outstanding quals, and thanks to your committee: Profs. Marius Wernig (co-mentor), Tony Wyss-Coray, Viv Tawfik, and Juliet Knowles.
Congrats Emma on an outstanding quals, and thanks to your committee: Profs. Marius Wernig (co-mentor), Tony Wyss-Coray, Viv Tawfik, and Juliet Knowles.
In Whistler, British Columbia.
Thanks to Prof. Judy Grinspan for the generous invitation and hosting, and to Brad’s Dad for attending.
(First Z-lab PhD student) Manasi successfully defended and received her PhD. She is finishing up in the lab before moving on to […]
The lab received a seed grant from the Neurosurgery Department with Vivek Buch’s lab. Thank you to the department, especially Drs. Lim […]
Our preprint, “SRF transcriptionally regulates the oligodendrocyte cytoskeleton during CNS myelination,” uncovers the transcription factor SRF as a new regulator of myelination […]
Our paper, “CNS myelination requires VAMP2/3-mediated membrane expansion in oligodendrocytes”, reveals that developmental myelination requires exocytosis in oligodendrocytes to add new membrane […]
Emma is a Neuroscience PhD student who will be co-mentored by Dr. Marius Wernig. Welcome, Emma!
Brad spoke at Johns Hopkins, UNC Chapel Hill, the Myelin Gordon Research Conference in Italy, and the McKnight Conference on Neuroscience in […]